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Pure Apple Cider Jelly
Pure Apple Cider Jelly
Pure Apple Cider Jelly
  1. Pure Apple Cider Jelly
  2. Pure Apple Cider Jelly
  3. Pure Apple Cider Jelly

Pure Apple Cider Jelly

Item #50355
Our Cider Jelly Is Made With Nothing but Pure Apple Cider—20 Apples Worth in Every Jar!

Come fall, it's apple picking time in Vermont. But what to do with all those apples? In addition to making pies, crisps, and toffee apples, Vermonters also love to make apple cider jelly. Ours is made with pure apple cider boiled down to one-ninth of its original volume. When it cools, the apple's natural pectin thickens the concentrated cider into a spreadable jelly that can be enjoyed any time of year! Try it with a slice of Vermont cheddar cheese or spread it atop a wheel of brie, wrap it in puff pastry, and bake it until it's golden for a quick and delicious appetizer.

  • Made with one ingredient: pure apple cider
  • Concentrated to 1/9th its original volume
  • No added sugar or preservatives
  • 10 oz. jar
  • Made in USA
  • Exclusive to The Vermont Country Store
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