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Results: 1-48 (of 124)

Fall Gummy Bears, 1.5 Pound Bag
Harvest Spice Gumdrops, 12 Ounce Bag
Hermann the German Lemon Drops
Strawberry and Cream Triple Heart Gummies, 1.5 Pound Bag
Sold Out
Cinnamon Spice Gourmet Jelly Bean Hearts, 12 Ounce Bag
Candy dish with assorted spiced jelly beans.
Beemans, Clove & Black Jack Chewing Gum Sticks
Strawberry gummies with pink nonpareil sprinkles.
Assorted Fruit-Flavored Hard Candies
Large cinnamon gummy bears in a candy dish.
Cherry Dreams Gourmet Jelly Bean Hearts, 12 Ounce Bag
Australian Soft Licorice, 1 Pound Bag
Dutch mint cremes with pastel candy coating.
Vermont Maple Sugar Cotton Candy
Coconut Peanut Brittle, 2 Bags
Assorted Regal Crown Fruit Candy Rolls
Sold Out
Assorted apple flavored fruit gummies.
Christmas Bell Jelly Candy, 1.5 Pound Bag
Marzipan Candy Fruit
Licorice Bridge Mix, 12 Ounce Bag
Rolls of Reeds Peppermint Hard Candy
Christmas Peppermint Puff Candy, 1.5 Pound Bag
Heads or Tails Easter Gummy Assortment, 1.5 Pound Bag
Sold Out
Cherry Jelly Hearts, 24 oz. Bag
Watermelon Saltwater Taffy, 20 Ounce Bag
Patriotic Gummy Bears, 1.5 Pound Bag
Easter Mellocreme Candy, 1.5 Pound Bag
Vermont Country Store Peanut Brittle Crunch, 9 Ounce Canister
Fruity Starlight Hard Candy, 1.5 Pound Bag
Black Liquorice Allsorts, 1.5 Pound Bag
Sweet Strawberry Kissing Lips Gummies, 1.5 Pound Bag
Watermelon Jelly Wedges, 1.5 Pound Bag
Americana Starlight Hard Candy, 1.5 Pound Bag
Americana Saltwater Taffy, 1.25 Pound Bag
Chewy Cherry Balls, 1 Pound Bag
Chocolate Starlight Mints, 1.5 Pound Bag
Necco Wafers, 8 Rolls
Sold Out
Valentine Spice Gumdrops, 1.5 Pound Bag
Jumbo Cinnamon Squares, 1.5 Pound Bag
Peanut Butter Candy Straws, 1 Pound Bag
Maple Hard Candy Leaves, 12 oz. Bag
Mini Butterfly Gummies, 24 oz. Bag
Dad's Root Beer Barrel Candy, 1 Pound 12 Ounce Bag
Cinnamon Creme Candy Straws, 1 Pound Bag
Spice Gumdrops, 1.5 Pound Bag
Hard Candy Sour Balls, 1.5 Pound Bag


Peppermint, orange, chocolate, caramel, honey, or licorice: while each of us may have our preferences, we can all agree that nothing beats the succulent taste of old fashioned candies. Here at The Vermont Country Store, we have an array of unique candies to suit anyone’s taste buds, whether you like sweet, sour, creamy, or something in between! Our old fashioned candy selection has all the wonderful treats you remember from your childhood, the types of sweets that you just can't find at the modern stores. So come on in and take a look around, and you'll surely find an old fashioned candy which suits your fancy.

Seasonal Specialties

Though these old fashioned candies make a delightful year-round treat, The Vermont Country Store proudly offers an array of scrumptious seasonal sweets, perfect for Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and more. These are the nostalgic and unique candies that will transport you back to a time when life was simpler. Here, you’ll find the traditional chocolates, mints, and caramels that you eagerly pulled from your stocking on Christmas morning, or perhaps used to decorate the gingerbread house. We have hard-to-find candies from the past like spiced gumdrops, or velvety creams that were ever-present in your mother’s candy bowl, as well as the tasty wrapped treats that friendly neighbors dropped in your bag on Halloween night. After all, a piece of candy isn't just a yummy sweet--it's a way to revisit the past, remember the good old days, and just maybe make new memories, too.

Give the Gift of Hard-to-Find Candies from the Past

We believe that old fashioned candies taste so much tastier when shared with a friend. That's why many of The Vermont Country Store's old fashioned candies are available in collectible tins and gift boxes. If your family and friends are hard to buy for, look no further than our gum drop tins, marzipan selections, creamy fudge gift bags, chewy toffees, and much more! Folks will love unwrapping these delightful treats and reminiscing about their favorite treats from yesteryear, while the younger crowd will enjoy trying something they've never had before. Plus, our beautiful tins, available in a variety of designs, make a lovely keepsake which can be used again and again.

A Taste of the Past, Only at The Vermont Country Store

Which old fashioned candies are your favorite? Whether you prefer nutty, spiced, fruity, or tart, we pride ourselves on offering up only the tastiest unique candies that we remember and cherish from our own childhoods. We hope that here, you'll find the old fashioned candies you love most--after all, they just don't make them like this anymore!