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Results: 1-12 (of 12)

Silver Savior Colloidal Silver Skin Face and Body Cream
Lemon Up Body Lotion
Baby Yourself Body Lotion
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Original Lotil Hand Cream, In 2 Sizes
Faberge Woodhue scented body lotion.
No-Crack Cream
Pumpkin Spice Hand and Body Lotion
Cotton-Knit Sleeping Gloves, 3 Pairs
Highland Lilac Body Lotion
Royal Jelly Body Butter
Lotion Applicator With Solid Wood Handle
Dermelect Body Toning Cream


As the body's largest organ, our skin certainly takes a beating. Sun exposure, environmental pollutants, dry weather, and more can all leech moisture from your skin, leaving it dry, cracked, and uneven. Even things like dish soap can break down this essential barrier. But the key to maintaining youthful, healthy skin is actually simple! With a regular skin care regimen of moisturizing lotions and skin creams, even the hottest, sunniest days won't leave you with lasting damage. Here at The Vermont Country Store, we offer an extensive line of lotions and body creams to keep your skin smooth, hydrated, and smelling great!

Proven ingredients for better skin

Our moisturizers and lotions start with vetted ingredients that lock in moisture for that shiny, healthy glow. Several of our products use olive oil as a moisturizing agent! It's true: this heart-healthy oil that we use in cooking can actually help hydrate your face and body for radiant skin. A favorite of gardeners and anyone who works with their hands, our 100 percent lanolin balm is derived from free-range sheep's wool. It's a natural moisturizer that isn't just kind to your body, but kind to the planet, too. And for a protective skin cream that rejuvenates cracked and dry hands in minutes, consider a beeswax cream that melts into your skin, leaving behind a sweet honey scent. Whatever skin type you have - dry skin, sensitive skin, or even just plain old winter skin - we have the lotions and creams you need to leave your skin feeling youthful and beautiful all day long. And if you're ever in need of a gift for a loved one, look no further than our scented lotions, body butters--it's the gift that will let them pamper themselves while protecting their skin, too.

The full spa experience, in your own home

Looking for spa treatments, but want to avoid the hefty price tag? The Vermont Country Store's in-home spa style masks will give you quality results without leaving the comfort of your own home. From moisturizing socks packed with lotions and balms to cotton sleeping gloves for overnight hydration, you can truly give yourself a royal treatment. Plus, with several lotion applicator wands to choose from, you can bring moisture to hard-to-reach spots on your back, shoulders, and legs without getting lotions all over your hands. Whether you're looking for a natural skincare regimen, a refreshing full body moisturizer, or a relaxing in-home spa treatment, we hope you'll find what you're seeking right here at the Vermont Country Store.