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B-12 Vitamin Patches
B-12 Vitamin Patches
  1. B-12 Vitamin Patches
  2. B-12 Vitamin Patches

B-12 Vitamin Patches

Item #51682
B-12 Patch Provides Maximum Absorption for Improved Energy Levels

Our B-12 transdermal patches are an easy and effective way to give your body the vitamin B-12 it needs. Transdermal means these patches are like "stickers" applied behind your ear. The nutrients are absorbed through the skin, so you don't have to take another annoying pill! Wear one patch for 24 hours—once a week. 

  • Vitamin B-12 is absorbed quickly and effectively
  • Each transdermal patch contains 1,000mcg of vitamin B-12
  • Wear one patch for 24 hours, one time per week
  • Four patches; one month's supply

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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