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The Forgotten Art of Building a Fireplace Book, Paperback
The Forgotten Art of Building a Fireplace Book, Paperback
  1. The Forgotten Art of Building a Fireplace Book, Paperback
  2. The Forgotten Art of Building a Fireplace Book, Paperback

The Forgotten Art of Building a Fireplace Book, Paperback

Item #56833
The Best How-To Book for Building Your Own Fireplace, Written by Vrest Orton

This treatise on fireplace construction was written by our founder, Vrest Orton. It was originally published in 1969 by Yankee Inc. and has continued to be a valuable reference to homeowners today. Vrest outlines the basic principles that Count Rumford coined in 1795 for crafting efficient and handsome fireplaces with additional notes by Wally Leeds, who continues to build similar fireplaces in Vermont today.

  • Inspired by Vrest Orton's quest to understand why the original fireplaces in his Weston home worked efficiently compared to "modern" fireplaces
  • Study of Count Rumford's basic principles of fireplace design
  • Forward by Lyman Orton
  • 64 pages, paperback
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