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Organization & Storage

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Rotating Four-Shelf Hanging Closet Organizer
Four-Shelf Closet Organizer With Garment Rod
Rotating Hanging Jewelry Organizer
Hair Styling Tools Organizer
Mount Mansfield Indoor/Outdoor Solid Braided Basket
Mount Mansfield Indoor/Outdoor Multicolor Braided Basket


What is the key to a tidy, beautiful and well organized home? Surely items like effective cleaning products are essential to keeping out dirt, grime, and dust. Furniture that matches your home décor is important, too, lending the house a sense of place and comfort. But when it comes to organizing your prized possessions, few household items are as vital as home storage products. Without home storage products like shelving units, wall racks, hampers, unique baskets and containers, the home would quickly devolve into a cluttered mess. Founding father Ben Franklin coined the phrase "A place for everything, and everything in its place," a motto which has just as much relevance today as it did in his day. Practical home storage products make it easy to give each and every item its own home and transform your house from pleasant-but-cluttered into your own personal mess-free sanctuary.

Laundry and Bathroom Home Storage Products

Is there anything more frustrating than walking into the bathroom only to find clothes and towels scattered across the floor? If your family is prone to strewing their belongings about, dual clothing hamper encased in a stylish wooden unit may help encourage them to keeping dirty laundry and used towels out of sight. Available in espresso and white, this handsome cabinet houses two clothing hampers so you can separate the colors as you tidy up and dump it right in the wash without sorting. Plus, the hamper is a perfect match with many of our other home storage products like a space-saving bathroom organizer that floats over the toilet, or a narrow storage cabinet that makes use of vertical space to keep towels, soap, and other bathroom necessities tucked neatly away.

Wall Racks, Unique Baskets and Containers

Unique baskets and containers aren't just cute decorations--they're an attractive solution that keeps papers, pens, books, and other clutter from piling up on the counters. Woven wood mail baskets, for example, make a stylish destination for catalogs, bills, and outgoing mail. They can perch on a desk, kitchen counter, table or entryway bench for ease of access, while the convenient carrying handle keeps them (and their contents) fully portable.

As for hanging home storage products, our authentic heirloom quality Vermont maple wall racks let you keep jackets, backpacks and hats off of the floor and out of the way. Our wall rack has five hooks and can hold up to ten items, but if you just need to support a coat or two, we offer individual wall and ceiling hooks forged from sturdy wrought iron.

When it comes to home storage products, just say no to unsightly clutter or plastic storage bins that add nothing to your home's décor. With practical furniture and unique baskets and containers from The Vermont Country Store, you can declutter your household without sacrificing style.