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Premium Cinnabalance Liquid Supplement
Premium Cinnabalance Liquid Supplement
  1. Premium Cinnabalance Liquid Supplement
  2. Premium Cinnabalance Liquid Supplement

Premium Cinnabalance Liquid Supplement

Item #59770
Low-Glycemic, Great-Tasting Cinnamon Formula for Metabolism Support

This easy-to-take liquid is a proprietary blend of cinnamon bark extract, aloe vera, kelp extract, ginger root extract, black cherry extract, blueberry extract, green tea extract, cranberry extract, and Irish moss extract. It has a low glycemic index and contains no carbs, sugar, or fructose. Fun fact: Liquid supplements are absorbed up to 96% by the body.*

  • No artificial flavors or colors
  • Sweetened with xylitol
  • 32 oz. bottle (approx. 30-day supply)
  • Made in USA

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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