New Home Goods
Results: 1-6 (of 6)
Furnish your home for comfort
A house isn't a home until you fill it with both love and memories. To that end, you'll find a variety of new items that will make life within your humble abode more comfortable and enjoyable. There are new sheets (percale and flannel), a blanket, quilt, and night light for the bedroom. A handsome wooden cabinet and ceramic and stainless steel bath accessories for the bathroom. And for the living room or family room, new curtains, chair pads, and decorative wooden baskets. And let's not forget about all the old favorites we offer, too. There are bedspreads, table linens, tables, bookcases, benches, vanities, lamps and more. Perhaps you need a rug, desk, or hamper, we have them also. So come, check out all we offer and make your home, the home of your dreams.