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Nail Polish Thinner and Touch Up
  1. Nail Polish Thinner and Touch Up

Nail Polish Thinner and Touch Up

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Item #92410
Nail Polish Rescue Thins Old Nail Polish and Clean Ups Flaws From At-Home Manicures and Pedicures

Now you can revive your favorite nail polish, even when it's dried up and looks like it's ready to toss. Start by adding a few drops of this nail polish thinner to your old polish and mix. Continue adding until it reaches the right consistency. This is also the nail formula manicurists use to clean up nail polish flaws when you're getting a salon manicure or pedicure, too.

  • Rehydrates old nail polish without affecting wear time, color, or shine
  • Start slow by adding a few drops at a time to reach the desired consistency
  • Works to clean up manis and pedis too
  • Formulated with butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and isopropyl alcohol 
  • 1.7 oz. bottle 
  • Made in USA
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